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Hi there! Thanks for checking the game out!
Unfortunately, as far as I can tell there doesn't appear to be a good way to link iOS or Android purchases to purchases, nor to host mobile files on I'm very sorry, but it looks like they would have to be bought separately.
About your problem: have you tried exiting the game from fullscreen mode? On windows it should be either 'command-F' or 'alt-enter' to switch I believe. Though this is far from a perfect solution, so I'll definitely be working on doing more fixes to resolution for the next update.
And also, you can forfeit your character and get back to the main menu by using the "Quit" Button in the additional information tab. Just press around where your health bars are and you'll get more options. Hmm, that could probably also be made more clear in-game...
Thanks again!

I think I found the problem!
If you will alt+enter and then alt+tab to another window, then game scales up a lot and makes screen to be a lot bigger than it should be. My resolution is 1680x1050.

Hmm, interesting. Thanks for the heads up on this, I'll definitely have to do more testing on the matter.