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hehe yeah I know, it's a bit of a bummer when you get those situations in a row.

I know it's not a "security appreciation game", but unfortunately that's the only thematic explanation I can give at this point. This is because of technical reasons, the platform pico-8 has extreme restrictions to code length (which is good! otherwise I would still be working on this game!), so to add stuff I need to remove stuff as I'm currently maxed out.

I'm more than happy to hear suggestions though on different ways to fix this. Many of the ideas for updates that have made the game better has come from players like yourself. Any idea big or small on gameplay variation os welcome!

And thanks for playing and commenting! 


Idk if youve already tried this or how it would effect the game, but maybe try swithcing engines? I am also a fellow gamedev and I use unity. looking at this game I thought that if you switched it to unity you would have so much more possibilitys. I know youve probably heard that already, but that is my personal advice. switching to a different engine like unity or unreal will also improve the features you have already.


Thanks for taking the time to write! I've worked with a few other engines before, and my problem is with me. I can't finish a game if I have too much options. I just go bigger and better and more intricate at every turn, getting stuck in details. That's what I love about the extreme restrictions in pico-8 - you can't go overboard.

With that said, there's always a small chance I have opportunity to recreate this as a bigger game, then a full blown engine will have its place for sure!

Thanks again for commenting and playing :)


Of course! I wish that I could offer my help with coding but unfortunatley I cant rn. But whenever I can I will definetley help you boot it to unity!