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The continues will carry through the game and are also stored with the level codes. So if you have no credits left when you get the code the restart will have no credits either.

It can be a bit hard! One strategy is to try and gain some extra credits through extra points, especially early on in the game, and to build up your ammo levels.  Level 4 and 5 are good for picking up extra guns and ammo because of the bonuses on those levels, useful for level 6.

Ok but lose weapon when the Ammo is gone is very unfair for a game , also when you start on Mission 6 the shootgun is not there.

All weapon don't show when you collect them  like Rocketz , and two other.

One Continue should always be there for a new Mission when the game is so hard.

I don't know if I will Continue this game , when it is like this. Some other say to it is very hard game , I don't say a game should be eay to play.

(1 edit)

The weapons and ammo are also stored in the level codes. Think of the code like a save game. If you loose your shotgun then you won't start with it! Weapon and ammo management is part of the gameplay. Perhaps go back a few codes to an earlier level to replay and try to gain/conserve some extra weapons and ammo (or start a new game from the title screen).