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thank you for playing! spring leaves no flowers is the third in the trilogy so i'm glad you still enjoyed the game starting there. i've written a bit about my game dev process before as a devlog for one of my earlier games, magical witch bell: - hopefully this matches what you're looking for!


Actually, starting with third instalment created some eureka moments when going back to play previous games. Also, when I later replayed the trilogy in order I've caught some details I missed the first time through (e.g. where did Haru's necklace come from).

Concerning the postmortem - this is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks for sharing. I see that the process is not always straightforward, but you have to keep on going. There is just one more thing that intrigues me - how do you choose which jams to participate in?

if the jam interests me and i have time, i join (: not too much thought put into it, honestly!