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First off - I love your game. Great use of GB studio to make something outside of the mold, and I love the character, the intro and environment, as well as the escalating sfx as you advance.

After playing it for a little bit, here are a few unsolicited suggestions that I feel would make it a fully polished game and which wouldn’t take too much additional effort to do using the program:

1) change the hit/dying sound to something slightly less abrasive. To me it takes away from the whimsy of the game.

2) add a little more character to the enemy sprites. Toast is delightful - maybe adapt or modify some existing sprites and combine them with yours to give more depth on the screen. 

3) add some depth to the clouds. I love the shapes, but maybe some lines here or there and shadowing

4) instead of a full restart, a respawn to the map right before the one you die on, which would allow you to:

5) add a bit more time between respawns and possibly add a cut screen with a close up of a more detailed Toast showing the “level” or “height” you are on. That would allow for not only a bit of a recenter for you as the player, but also give you a sense of where you are / were and how hard you need to keep fighting (see Tobu Tobu girl)

6) and the last and probably hardest thing to do, was as someone pointed out, add a control for a wing flap of some sort. If it’s in GB Studio, you should be able to assign an if/then for the A button - maybe a sprite change to wings-up, a quick pause in the descent while still being able to use the directional controls. I think this would really add to the replay ability of the game, especially if you add some other endings and the cut scenes

I would love to see and play this game more fleshed out and it is my favorite homebrew of the past few months! Great job, and kudos for making something fresh based off of a good idea from the kiddos.