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(1 edit)

In Ever Onward:

What does it mean for anyone to “believe in your charisma”? I understand “believe in your values” (although it seems a little mind-control-y: can the Knight make someone who strongly believes in the opposite values, also believe in theirs?). But I’ve never heard anyone say that they “believe in [someone’s] charisma.”


EDIT: Actually, related question: Do “your values” mean “your absolute values”? After reading the entire class, it seems ambiguous to me. That is, if your absolute value is “I never deceive others,” do the NPCs now believe that they should never deceive others too?



now on 10+ they believe in your ideas

this should fix the doubt

as per the "charisma" part... it means that they might or might not believe in your ideas (probably not) but they follow you nonetheless because of the strength of your personality aura... your charisma... in you...

So while with 10+ you changed their moral compass and inner beliefs, with 7-9 you just persuaded/charmed them. They might do the right thing because you ask them to, but not because the believe/understand that this is right.

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I love “they believe in your ideas”! That’s super clear now.

Got it! That makes sense what “believe in your charisma” is supposed to mean. I might change it to something like, “they believe in you” or “they believe in your strength of personality” or “they believe in your words” or something. That is, they trust you, but because you seem trustworthy, not because what you’re saying seems right to them.

Thoughts? Not sure which one captures what you were going for best. :)

fixed :)