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Pretty fun game with a nice art style. I was wondering, what did you do to market your game and how did you get it on the front page being it's your first game. I'm currently developing a game and i released an early prototype and I have absolutely no feedback. Thanks.

Thanks for the kind words! 

I think a big part of it is luck, TBH! That and people like cute puppies. I didn't do much marketing really. I posted it on my twitter and instagram, which have a few followers. I'm pretty overwhelmed with the response. 
It can be tough to get feedback on games that are too early along. Have you had anyone play it in person that you know? I did that with a few of my friends to get some great feedback before eventually uploading it to Itch. I'd recommend you try the same! They will catch things you never thought they would.

Best of luck! Don't get discouraged if the feedback doesn't come the first time, I see a ton of potential in your work!

I'll try that, and thanks!