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Thank you so much Anwynn, there is a New Game bug which can happen when beginning a new game.

Just restart the game and try again if you see something like this:

no bug at the beginning :) i am not far yet but it is amazing the changes you made :) you really made a good job at it and i was surprised to see my name used as default name  :) :) thanks you Alexanda :) i'll  give more feedback once i will have finished this new playthrough :)


You're most welcome :) 

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hello Alexanda :) i got a little further in the game and i found small bugs , on the boat with Naigo and Elsee when i go to the kitchen i can walk on the plates that are on both tables and on 2 shelves too  , i tested a little the random dungeon it's nice and  challenging, good job :)

Table dancing, I see :) Thanks so much. Your help means a great deal. 

 yes im' dancing on the tables ahaha :) glad to help :)

Finishing the story now, I've left in a small piece of chapter 5, and I've noticed some spelling mistakes. Really hoping to have the story wrapped up in under 2 months. 

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Yes i understand spelling mistakes happen and we do not see them right away , sometimes we notice it very late , it's fine  take your time there is no rush :) .    By the way i hope other people will help so you can put Heaven Heroes on steam.

I wanted to ask you ..if i add weather effect to a map do i have to go through all other maps putting weather to " None" so the weather does not follow on every map or there is another way?

Yes, you'll need to set the weather to none in maps where you don't want the weather effect. I'm not sure of an easier way. Create a Parallel  process setting the weather to none is all that is required.  I can't tell you how many times I made one change and had to go through every single map because of it. XD  

i see , thanks for the answer :)  hehe i bet you had to change that a lot :D