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I feel like he has to have a very fantastical sounding name-uh-uh-um-uh- 



sound goooddd

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-ok-d'ye wish me to start? 

yuhs ples


Arodeil was on a hunting trip with a group of other noble gentlemen. Gods, he hated these things. His father demanded he go on them to get to know and bond with the nobility, especially since he would be working with many of them in the future. But they were all so well-boorish. They were loud, abrasive, spoiled-just...generally unpleasant to be around. He found the whole thing rather uncivilized. As the group was getting into a particularily rowdy argument, he decided to take the opportunity to slip away from the group, leading his horse down a narrow, hidden path, covered with moss and grass and clearly underused. 

Aro: -just silently walking through it- -he was always fond of nature and wasn't bothered by it, in fact he slightly enjoyed it-

As he was walking, the woods grew deeper and denser, branches twisting upward and blocking out the sun. This part of the forest was felt...foreboding somehow...his horse suddenly bucked, spooked by some unknown source, throwing Aro off it's back and galloping off into the trees. He was alone in this strange part of the woods...and the sun was rapidly beginning to set 

Aro: Augh-! -he sat up only to his horse leaving- nononono! -he quickly stood up-

The horse was gone...and looking back behind him he could barely even tell what was the path and what wasn't. He was completely lost. There was no choice...he had to just keep going, and hope it didn't get too dark 

Aro: . . shit. -he gently brushed himself off and hesitantly walked onward-