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(3 edits)

I'm not sure I understand what you're suggesting... unless you read a comment that said we no longer post the game here (which is false).

As with most unfinished/in-progress games, each update goes through an "early-access testing phase." Our Patreon subscribers have said early-access.

Once the latest chapter/update is no longer in early-access (usually the vx.x.1 version), we upload it here and on the other platforms where we charge a set price for it.

If anything, having people pay full price for an update that isn't necessary ready or polished would be the dick move. Anyway, Chapter 3 v0.3.1 will be released here later tonight. The only reason it wasn't released here sooner is it wasn't out of early-access (this is normal, and we've done this for every chapter so far).

Edit: I think I see now where the confusion came in, as there was an out-of-date statement on the main-game page (we initially planned to only ever release Ch1 here -- which was a free demo -- but as you can see changed our minds which is why you can also buy Ch2).