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The screenshot you shared is what the tile browser looks like when running the local Foundry application. The above screenshot is what the tile browser looks like while using the Forge. Using the tile browser to create a folder in the modules directory doesn't work in the Forge as the create folder button doesn't exist there.

The updated json files do now function correctly but the background images still have to be manually uploaded to the assets library and manually set in scene configuration. Not hard to do. Thank you for addressing the json file issue and updating it to 8.8.

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I was actually running through Amazon Web Services, not locally. But it sucks that The Forge doesn't let you create folders... I'm glad that you can at least upload them and set the dir manually.

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There's actually a quick fix for this! If you go into Forge and get the relative path for the image, you can then go into the JSON files and update the path from '/modules/franzwarm/...' to whatever you have (e.g. 'worlds/ghosts-saltmarsh/...'). It took 1 minute after uploading my assets and worked like a charm.

Thanks for the info, buddy!! ❤