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thank you,  I was not aware of this issue we will try and correct it as soon as possible. The link works for pc downloads altho you may need to extract files depending on your computer.

(1 edit) (-3)

You responded 16 days ago (as of me posting this) and the issue has yet to be fixed.  Very odd.

I specifically use the desktop application only because I can 'sandbox' whatever I download much easier in order to protect my computer from potential shady stuff in many games (bitcoin miners, etc).

Not accusing you of anything at all, just expressing why I will wait instead of just downloading/installing manually.  I'd prefer a version compatible with the official desktop application.


Hey there! As a indie game developer it takes some time to get things done as we have been working on a few projects,
podcasts,  cross promotions and future platform launches, we will work on making a app link when we can in the mean time the pc link is still good. If you want to wait for the other options  i understand no worries!