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if you mean the lady and the mermaid(?) who are dating then yeah!!! i found them!!!! i was sooooooo happy about that!!!! (i guess by the water trinket i meant the one near the mermaid(?))


Cool yay! ok, so the last one is during the highway in between the second and third castles! some of the rocks are "climbable" there should be like a whirlpool if I remember correctly? (this is terrible game design if I can't even remember hahaha) thank you so so so much for playing my game!

i found it!!! i cant believe i didn't realize that was a whirl pool- i just thought it meant the ones from the docks haha

also omg that is so mean!!!! the ending when u find all the trinkets is making me anxious now... DID I MISS THE 7TH TRINKET??? ARE YOU JUST MESSING WITH ME??? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!


OH NO! I am sorry! That REALLY IS just horrible game design! It was originally the seven hidden trinkets and I must have just not fixed all the text. It was part of a game jam (and one of my first games really) so I just messed up! I am supper sorrrrry!

wwwaaaahhhh i woonnnntttt fooorrrgiiivvveee yooouuu!!!