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ฅ/ᐠ。ᆽ。ᐟ \ ~ Hello ~

I tried the game out, and I thought the overarching plot was pretty clever. While the game mechanics were simple, I thought it worked well for what the game truly was about.

One of the things I found quite interesting was the interactions with the girl and her reactions about it. It's a really good attention to detail, and I was even surprised by the fact it played an important role to the story. Overall, I loved the 4th wall breaking and the fact that you put the time to make multiple endings. The only complaint I really have would be the odd sentence structures, but it wasn't anything too bad as things were still understandable.

Overall, great job on the game!(And nice references)

Thank you so much!!!

Im really glad that you made a full playthrough with both endings.  That's wonderful!!!

Also, I like the fact that you voiced her. It really gave her personality :3

For the odd sentence structures...  I'll try to improve them in the future ;D

Thanks again .^(8)^.