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To disable the ui you need to tick off these options in the Scene Settings Window (Check example image below: Red is the side UI with counters, Green is the "Life Advice and Restart" UI). As for custom text, if you mean the dialogue I'll need extra context as to how its arranged in editor or a screenshot of the editor window, or a data folder so I can take a closer look.

The thing is i have those disable from the editor, i exported my custom images in the busts folder, run the ConvertCustomImages.exe and build a new dialoge in the editor, after do all of that i run the game and it's when the game breaks showing the UI and my custom dialoge like disable

Would you be able to zip up the "data" folder in the game directory and send it my way? I'll take a look and see what the issues is internally, if you want to send it privetly here's my email:

Oh sure! Lemme send it rq

I am back with great news, all it was that one of your files "gar_Excusemewhat" has a capital letter, which messes up the way data is read. Which is a dumb moment on my part and will be fixed in version 1.0 but if you rename it to "gar_excusemewhat" it will run like butter. Let me know if there are any more issues.

OH THANKS YOU SO MUCH! you saved me hours of pain trying to guess what was causing problems qwq