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Pretty fun game (although the controls can feel a little inconvenient - I would've gone with space for jump and shift for dash, but it's all personal preference). Great job on the music! And I love the use of the limitation, with the bubbles serving as both abilities and protection. I'm not entirely sure it's using YOU as ammo, but certainly not within the realm of removal. All in all, great work, especially for your first jam.


Thanks for the feedback Mattie! 

The first thing that came to mind with the theme and limitation was Osmos-style games, and I wanted to try something a little different. 

As for the controls, I would have loved to have some mapping options available, but time didn't allow. Z and X are common buttons on some of my favorite old free downloadable games, so that was a blind spot for me.  There are gamepad bindings but I didn't want to advertise that since I wasn't sure if that would work universally.

: )  This makes you the first stranger to ever play one of my games, that's exciting! 

After getting some more feedback, I've taken your suggestion and added shift and space as alternative controls. : )