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Hooray! That's awesome to hear :3 I have no idea why an mp4 video playing on the title screen would cause such a problem, but at least it wasn't too hard to fix! I'll have to make sure to release all updates with a static title screen version as well. You don't need to apologise at all anyhow :3 There's always bound to be some kinda trouble with these sorts of things with everyone having such different systems. I'm just glad that I was able to get it to work for you :D

I'm still with headache, unfortunately, but that seems to largely be the curse of summer for me, haha. My body doesn't deal too well with the heat, and I'm sure lack of sleep during the recent game jam I finished probably hasn't helped the situation xD


I wish I knew why it was doing that too >3< but oh well Im glad it could be fixed fairly easily

I really enjoyed the game I left a rating already and I'm sorry you've still got that headache hopefully it goes away soon as well as the heat xD and please take some well deserved rest when you can ~w~

(1 edit)

Glad you enjoyed it once it finally decided to play ball :3 Thank you very much for the rating! That certainly helps a lot since users can search by rating here. I always wondered how on earth folks manage to get hundreds of ratings on itch when the website doesn't do a great job of telling users it's something they can do >.< and I don't like to pester anyone to leave one, haha.

Cheers :3 And I'm not entirely sure I know how to rest anymore xD But I will attempt to not drive myself into the abyss at least!