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Hello, I really loved the game and spent bit too much time on it.  But I am still unable to 100% it, even though I have finished all quests, side quests included. I also have a full gallery and all of the dresses. Puzzles are completed too, same withmaps

What do I have to do to 100% the game? 


Heya, glad you liked Yorna! As for 100% clear, my suggestion is optional quests like Ayane's line on the second island. If you already did it, then don't worry about this since you already beat the game.

I have, I know I've beat the game too. But I really would want to 100% it, and it seems to be a frequent issue that people cant 100% it either. Seeing by the comments atleast

It's something small like an optional mini-scene with dialogues. After developing Yorna for more than 3 years I can't remember all the stuff I put in it :>