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Okay, first off: if you watched my video BEFORE this review, when I said "bad indie horror games," I didn't mean that this was terrible. It just felt a lot like those old 'bad horror games' that people just spam created in the Unity engine back in the day. ANYWHO, this game definitely did what it was meant to do: scare the poop out of me. I don't think I've been scared near this badly recently by any game. Granted I was scared by the jumpscares and not so much the atmosphere of the game itself. Don't get me wrong! I can dig the random demon whispers, bassy-ness and techno breakdowns you had going on in this game, but I wouldn't say that any of those things really creeped me out. If anything, the ambience and actual events of the game itself were pretty funny. Ya know, once I got over being scared half to death by the jumpscares. I played the original version and I never made a video on it because it didn't run too smoothly on my PC and it didn't progress fast enough for me. BUT going by the little that I DID play of it and from playing this version, I can see that you've put a lot of extra effort into this and have come a long way! Keep going! Keep making games! Thanks for making this! I look forward to your future work, my friend!