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Omg, i never thought i would fell uneasy and scared with a game like this before. The simple graphics and gameplay are amazing, and the simplicity of it got me hooked on the narrative. Not only that, but the psychological horror that it provides made me imagine what could possibly kill me like a good damn horror book. I beated the game in 3 attempts, and even though i had to read some repeated prompts, there was still surprises to get me off guard. Great work of the devs!

This game is a gem, and if you're reading this and didn't had downloaded it yet, what are you doing?! Go check it out!!!     


Thank you very very much for your amazing review! We have to say that reading this just brought a huge smile to both of our faces! 

Since the style is so minimalistic, we really wanted the spotlight to be in the eerie atmosphere of the forest and in the texts. We are really happy that you were able to feel this effect! 

Thanks for taking your time to play our game and leaving such a warming comment here <3