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this was so beautiful and somehow comforting.

old tumblr was amazing, it made such a huge impact on me as a person and it was like my favorite place back then and even if it has changed a lot now it still feels like my safe place. i also made an internet friend on tumblr in those years and we're still friends. we've been talking for almost 9 years and it's so cute and heartwarming to see how much we both had grown since then. we've nerver met in person and idk if we would do it someday but i hope that in the future we will still be part of each other's life and continue to be as close as we are now<3 

and thank you so much for all of this, the colors, the music, the words, everything is so beautiful


thank you for sharing this! 

although the story i tell in this game is quite bittersweet, in real life i ended up moving to a city where a lot of my oldest tumblr friends lived and they’re now my irl friends! 

it’s wild to think these are people i’ve known for a decade. because i moved around a lot i never had “lifelong” friends for the longest time, and the internet ended up becoming the constant.

there’s a lot of friends from the tumblr days that i dont talk to every day per se but we still keep in touch and chat when we feel like it. i really like those friendships too!

not all my internet friendships worked out, sometimes it was my fault and sometimes it wasnt. but i still cherish those times and they do mean so much to me.

i hope you take care, and that your lengthy friendship goes on for a while too :)