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I think this idea of multiple minigame myths was great. The visuals were all really good and the audio fit very well.

With the icarus game, I couldn't really read while dodging the clouds and I also really really suck at flappy bird lol.

The fishing game was fun but I accidentally broke it. You can get the left coin by moving outside the screen, lowering all the way, then moving back inside the screen to grab the coin, moving back outside the screen, and climbing back up.

I had the most fun with the arachne and athena game but I thought it was a bit too short.

Overall, I kinda wish each minigame was a bit more fleshed out. Each one also needed smaller colliders for the player because sometimes I lost and it didn't appear that my sprite touched the hazard. I had fun with all 3 of them though. It's really impressive that you managed to make 3 entire games.