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Hello, I don't normally write much about people's games as I am usually too busy to play them, but since I am currently working on a project myself that is (very) similar you could say in some respects, I decided to give your game a go. 

Great work on the shaders first of all. Things I noticed that you did quite well when recreating this shader:

  • Polygon Draw Distance
  • Screen Space Vertex Snapping
  • Near Clip
  • Colour Quantization
  • Affine Texture Mapping
  • Depth Error

I like the style of the game too, I won't lie. I recently released a game myself in a very similar format, although without a shader. My biggest gripe with this game was how short it was. I know this is a demo for something else that is in the works, but I really felt it could have gone on for longer. As I am no stranger to game jams myself I do know how long these things can take, so please don't take this as too much of a criticism. 

I think I just got excited to play something a lot longer that's all. I dropped you a follow on Twitter so I can stay up to date and I'll most likely be checking out a few of your other games. Anyway, keep up the good work & I look forward to seeing what else you got going on : )

Thank you so much for writing a feedback, I really do appreciate people like you who takes time to write a feedback as those are the people who truly care for the game.

Thanks for the support!