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Man, oh man, this game has me absolutely ecstatic. I can not wait for a full release. This game has so much potential, and you can tell it has so much talent behind it. The art style is just beautiful, and it captivates you almost immediately. In addition, the story idea is new and refreshing. However, the best part for me was the mechanic with the nightmare mode and how it affects the gameplay. It absolutely blew my mind away when I decided to try nightmare mode and how different a scenario you're given in both modes. I thought that nightmare mode would be more of a hallucination-type mechanic and wouldn't affect the player much. I was, however, completely wrong. As mentioned before, this game honestly has so much potential that it has me absolutely excited for the future. I am super intrigued by what the rest of the game will be like, and I can not wait to play the full thing. Overall amazing game with huge amounts of potential. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for when the full thing is released!

We are so happy to hear such good words about the game! It was very funny seeing you play and discovering about the game's mechanic. And yes, it is only an early stage of a demo, there will be much more in the future! 

Thank you so much and special greetings from our girl Tomika!