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1. Yeah I know. So?

2. Done, thank you for reminding me.

3. Lol rip

I remembered 3.

every time I complete a song, the game crashes ( mac ver. )

here 4.

unban me from the discord server AAAAAA

i don't know who you are

if you were somebody who did something bad then it makes sense that ur banned

just give your reasoning and what made you get banned and i'll consider it

I spammed in general by accident when I thought I was in memes for a sec until sudden realization, then HD banned me before I could say a thing


so it was an accident

that still deserves a punishment, but certainly not a ban. it deserves a mute (unless you've gotten multiple warnings before, in which a ban is understandable)

what's your discord account? I'll help you out homie

A Black Void of Distance Space#1779

exactly like that

also, I didn't get a warning before

yeah yeah

aight I'll try to unban ya


also, ok

should be done

shadow simp


that is me

umm hello you might not know me but i know that you know who unfunniest guy is you helped him out with a mod i was wondering if you can help me with a mod i am working on called vs psychopath.
