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I spammed in general by accident when I thought I was in memes for a sec until sudden realization, then HD banned me before I could say a thing


so it was an accident

that still deserves a punishment, but certainly not a ban. it deserves a mute (unless you've gotten multiple warnings before, in which a ban is understandable)

what's your discord account? I'll help you out homie

A Black Void of Distance Space#1779

exactly like that

also, I didn't get a warning before

yeah yeah

aight I'll try to unban ya


also, ok

should be done

shadow simp


that is me

umm hello you might not know me but i know that you know who unfunniest guy is you helped him out with a mod i was wondering if you can help me with a mod i am working on called vs psychopath.


Dm me on discord and we can talk there

Sorry i dont have discord but do u have element?


what is an element

i do not happen to know what fire is please help