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it requires 32 bit or 64

Hello Ahmadblaze,

Are you having issues trying to play the game?

The available build is old and is was made just for demo purposes. 

This game is a prototype and we are working in the full reworked version.

For this build we don't have a list of system requirements but the game is not that heavy so you should be able to play it in a low end pc.
The game works in Windows 10 64bit.

If you are having trouble getting to play the game, after you download the ranchtycoon.rar file, you have to extract the files into a folder and run the file called farmerIDK.exe 
If you can't extract the files from the compressed .rar file, you probably need a program to read it, like winrar or other free options.

Thanks again for the interest in Ranch Tycoon.

Best regards,

Eskimo Studios

i have win 7 32bit meaning i cant play it


We have not tested it in Windows 7, both 32 or 64 bits. It may work, we don't know.