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This alpha really made my day! Not only is the game exceptionally creative, but it is done extremely well too. Art and text are cohesive so that the player really enters this  strange universe, becoming Vil and apart of the story you guys are trying to create. Nyargh, Brattan, and Yiestol all seem like well developed characters (from the little we get to see of them) and I am absolutely smitten with each of them for different reasons. As salty as I am for not being able to play their routes yet, it only fuels me to keep an eye out for the Beta. I can see great things from this little gem of a game.

Thank you so, so much! I'm sorry it took us so long to reply, but your sweet comments really mean a lot and are so encouraging. We're so grateful that you took the time both to try it out and to comment. We're still grinding hard on the full game and reading this sort of thing is so uplifting, especially during the hard middle bit when there's still so much to go. Thank you, and we hope the full game won't let you down!