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Hi El.Seth! Thanks for visiting and for the kind review! You made me blush >\\\<

I'm very glad to hear fellow Indonesian played this! (Banyak orang indo yang malas main soalnya bahasa english >_<;) at first I was not so confident with my story/plot though -because it's a high-end fantasy and you know how rare VNs with Batik or other traditional elements -but I'm glad I decided to take the risk! Thank you for enjoying this game thoroughly :"D nothing makes me happier than this.

And no -I don't dare to hope meeting the president x'D 

But I do hope our country will develop more respect and love toward art though.

And thank you for your support! Bernuda still has a long way to go so I hope you'll walk beside me as I post the progreas updates every week :"3

Thanks again and I hope to see you again in the future!

