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Hello there, 

I want to say first, that I truly think this a fantastic game and hope to see more of your games in the future. 

But I would like some clarity on the rules. 

This probably has been answered somewhere in this huge comment section, but I'm a bit confused with this rule.

Am I suppose to start with the very first prompt, or am I suppose to role the dice first and then from prompt one, move to the actual first prompt of the game?

I know in one version that the rules say, Start at prompt one, but the 2nd printing says, start counting at prompt one. I don't know, maybe I'm just misinterpreting the rule, but I'd rather ask you for clarity. 

I've been playing games where I rolled first and then moved to another prompt and then that new prompt would be my first, but if you're meant to start the game with the very first prompt, I can try that out. I just always thought of the first prompt to be the hardest to start with since you're forced at the start to essentially kill off a mortal and get bloodthirsty. 

But anyways, sorry for this long comment, but I'm hoping to get some further clarity on the rules.

You roll and start counting from Prompt 1.  

Oh, okay.  I figured it might have been that. Thanks for the clarification.