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Hey again! I was wondering if it's possible to dynamically show different pictures with this plugin based on a variable value, rather than a specific picture file in the Plugin Command. I'm trying to change which image shows based on whether different switches are on for each of the 4 choices.

Here's what the event looks like that I'm currently working in, before the choices appear:

And so in the Plugin Command, I have it set to this:

And then in my game, I'm receiving this console error when it tries to run that event:

My guess is that it's trying to read the "$gameVariables.value(93)" value as a literal string rather than what that value is equal to (in this case, "ZandraSelect1" or "ZandraSelect1_KO").

Do you know if there's anything I can do to achieve this, or if it's possible to read a variable value as a picture file in this plugin?


Hi! ^^

I updated the plugin(2.1.0) and added this feature! Thanks for letting me know.
You just have to put EVAL-your formula here on the text field:

Example: EVAL-$gameVariables.value(id)

Please, download the new one and let me know if it is working :)


This is awesome, thank you so much for making that update so quickly! It works perfectly now :D

Nice! :)