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hey, thanks! I'm quite worried about the crash when you press start battle. Did any error message pop up?

(also, even if you don't save the game, the game still does autosaves every turn)

Also think I'll take a look at the win game code. Maybe it thinks you've won if there's just one player left, whether that is you or the enemy.

Thank you for the feedback, this is how I'll be able to make the game even better!

No worries! It crashed twice again today but not when I pressed "Start Battle" it seems to be just random. No error message or anything.

One thing that would be a good addition is if you lose your base to one of the enemies, you should be able to hire units (maybe a building). I just find it impossible to bounce back after losing my base.


Skirmish Mode: Pressing "Start"




action number 1

of Other Event: User Defined 0

for object obj_bcon:

global variable name 'costcanfield' index (109001) not set before reading it.

at gml_Object_obj_bcon_Other_10


gml_Object_obj_bcon_Other_10 (line -1)

gml_Object_obj_bcon_Create_0 (line -1)