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Thank you so much for the explanations!!

Concerning the Akio thing though, it kind of seems like the "telling off" options didn't really take into account his own potential viewpoint, so I'm just worried that choosing those options won't lead to a more positive character development for him. You probably intended this, and I only point this out because I'm wondering whether we'll be able to see characters develop without having to particularly focus on them or romance them. For example, when Robin had the option to offend Elliot and thereby have alone time with Gary at the festival, it made me wonder: will we only be able to positively impact the other characters' lives or get to know them intimately by directly romancing them? Was that what you meant by other characters having to be snubbed?

But to be honest, I'm thinking about this too much; the final game isn't even released, so I should cool it and just experience the final release XD

I appreciate the thought y'all have put into the game, and I really respect what you're doing. Thank you !!! :)

No problem! We’re happy you’re so interested in the game. <3

If you choose to side with Cain and get on Cain’s route, it’s true that you will likely alienate Akio to a certain extent, but that’s only because those two characters are directly opposed to each other. If you get on other character’s routes, you’ll have opportunities to interact positively with him still even if you’re not romancing him. Certain characters get along better with certain people than others, you know? So depending on the route you end up on, you’ll have different opportunities and different ways to interact with the other characters.

Ah, that makes sense. Thank you so much!