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oh for some reason i thought there was one. wondering about strength how do i get that up, also will you be adding some sortta map? too easy to get super lost lol.

Thanks for the support. Nope, no map. I know the game doesn't do a lot of hand holding which was my intention, I wanted the game to reward exploring and trial / error. It's a throwback to the RuneScape Classic and Minecraft style of gameplay where it drops you in and let's you go immediately. The help button mentions the importance of the subway system / stairwell system to encourage the players to find new areas. I would be happy to help though!

As for strength, that is a combat skill, along with Hits, Accuracy, Defense, and Agility. They can all be leveled by engaging in combat with enemies in the gang area (using the subway system). 

Let me know if you have any other questions, thanks!