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Awesome stuff.

"Action" and "Techno 90s" appear to be the same song though? Just a bug in the track selection or am I missing a subtle difference?

(1 edit)

Thanks! I'm glad you liked them.

I have tested both the rom  and the online web version and I think it's working fine.
Both tracks are different.
Perhaps they sound very much alike to you? :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Interesting. Last night they were definitely playing the same song, but today they're very clearly different. Files from the download match too, so I must have just run into a weird glitch. 

Edit: Yeah, seems like sometimes after pressing Left for action, if I do that before sampling "Techno" on A, the A button gets replaced with the "Action" song. Can't replicate it every time, so not sure exactly what's going on, but I don't think it's a big issue.

Great tracks tho! $1 is a steal!

Mmmh...let me check the source code again - perhaps I  have an issue when attaching scripts to buttons.


No, everything's fine...I  can't seem to reproduce what you describe...?
Hopefully the .mod files are fine :))).

Put the songs to a good use!


Yeah, the mod files are all correct/good, nothing to worry about there.