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You could help by joining the boycott of Steam because of their abusive conduct. So far I've seen - and provided Valve with proof of - no less than 3 easily-verified known triggers for migraines and epilepsy, as well as provided solid evidence of another mechanism existing (though haven't been able to identify it precisely even though I was able to verify its existence).

I've also seen Valve contacted by at least 2 governments as a result of the company refusing to meet obligations under privacy and other laws, as well as failing to meet their own promises made in the agreement with customers.

I've had Steam support instruct me to harm myself, refuse service to me for trying to ask them to meet legal obligations, and deny their obligations under applicable laws for multiple problems they've been causing.

They're the objective worst company in the gaming industry at present, and I say that in spite of knowing about Epic, Ubisoft, and EA.