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Your game is really, reallly hot. Mark is super handsome and I adore your art style, it's very pleasing to the eye.

I especially enjoyed the intimacy between the characters. Maybe it's because I'm a romantic at heart, but I loved that they had feelings for each other and they stayed together in the end!! Also, I think I ended up a little bit in love with Mark, lol

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you! So happy you liked it! It was my short project but now i want to do more stuff starring Mark. 

Mark is now definitely one of my favorite characters. You can see him in a short scene in "Steel Frost Demo" (where he mentions you (because technically every player is Mark's boyfriend so it's you in your situation) game i have in this library.  But want to do something else with Mark as lead (or just as Old Software 2 where you live with him at his place). I will think about it so stay tuned!


I will totally check out your other game! And I'm looking forward to seeing Mark in your next projects, so I'll stay tuned :D