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(1 edit)

I love this game! So few out their that are even remotely similar 

but I was wondering when the female content will come out? If it's no time soon then that's fine but I'm just curious.

Edit: I just scrolled through the comments and saw what you said about the female content. Sorry for asking, it seems like a repetitive question.


Thanks and thanks! owo

Female content eventualllyyyyyy when third party writers do it yadda yadda, same spiel you've already read. On the plus side, if we were aiming to be the biggest male-centric game in the genre, we probably already succeeded! >u<

It's a small list   ._.

Yeah. I wish their were more Dragon games. But know our of all I've seen, this is the best!

 and I would ask to help write female parts, but I know I would get a no and I'm a very amateur writer, so it would be terrible -_-

Deleted 306 days ago

Both/Either. There is currently no female content in the game at all, and eventually there may someday be female NPC and PC content.