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please give me the chance to tell the girlfriend to fuck off, that's the ending I'd like to have, thank you.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi! Thanks for playing the game!

There is kinda already one option where you can do so. Though it is not explicitly a F-Off. 
Where in the story made you want to tell off the girlfriend?


sorry for the late reply. it was when I was late and she acted as if it was the end of the f world, closed the door on me and mc couldn't even say anything, I WISH I could just tell her off right there. I was so angry lol


I understand where you are coming from.

However, I wanted to write some endings where the MC has less agency with how it ends, due to the choices they have made beforehand. I mean, this one is kind of a "bad ending". Not every ending has to be satisfying.

I am currently working on an update which will add 2 more endings. It should be out by the end of the month.

Thank you again for playing!