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Fun little game! Good simplistic design, I liked that even though you weren't really able to do art you added the shadows, nice touch! Apart from a few quality of life things and a couple bugs it was great! One thing I will say is in the future its probably good to add some sort of tutorial or "before you play" esc thing so the player knows what the goal is and what will kill them, as a dev its very easy to just think somethings intuitive and wont need explaining but every mind works differently, for instance I was confused as to how I was dying a couple times on the first lvl before I figured out what was killing me, it's just a little touch that can be as easy as just labelling the death zone on the first level, not even with words just a danger sign would do, apart from that tho no complaints! Great game especially for a jam!


Definitely should have made a tutorial! I can't believe I forgot to do that!
Thanks for the feedback!