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(1 edit) (-1)

i know that i have reach 30 rs whithout the game telll me that i can continue lin story because i havent buy that damn thing even if the android have go to the university remember her past and so

(1 edit) (+1)

To get Lin's 27th story event you need to give Android the human outfit and have Android at or above 26 friendship. 

In order to get Android above 26, the human kit is required to be given to her.

well that the problem =(

if around the event with the restaurant i give her the kit

then lin event say, need to by the thing

if  not give but buy the kit

then lin event say need to give the thing and raise rs

will try again to redo the game again and try if something change

also for the event i have see after, reach end of content for the update for all other character, visit the university, hack event, lunch event, library event, library fu ck with kali, got the visit of the student of the university of kali, got the birthday of ashley, see lin play piano, have unlock 4 alarm (lin,andro, lin+andro, the clone), have unlock sleep with everyone exept autaun, , unlock lin+andro, and the clone's. and of course the 2nd vers of andro

 have try with both response after event where andro discover her past, not erase memory, and do it

will come back when i have reach the human kit part again

and of course i have done the event where (nina i think, the common elf) is forced by lin to follow the tradition, and have unlock every elf currently unlokable, and the one that i know i havent do is lin and high elf one's