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Ahh gotcha. Makes sense. 

Again, I personally don't mind the snail's speed, I like a good challenge! I totally love the souls games and love that concept of simply getting better at the game, returning and overcoming the challenge that you previously couldn't. I was just highlighting potential concern for the snail difficulty on behalf of my girlfriend, who enjoys more of a casual experience like the Spyro games (though she loves Bloodborne and is playing Dark Souls 3). Honestly I personally wouldn't mind you keeping the snail's speed, as the speed isn't really the most challenging aspect to them, but the area they run around. So if you're planning on having more of them, I totally get keeping the speed and just making the location more perilous or more simple to adjust difficulty.

Yeah the controls are smooth, and I like that (though I think I would like some knockback when ramming straight into a wall, maybe with some controller rumble :P). Perhaps I didn't express my concern with them well enough, as my thoughts might not have translated into text very well. What I meant is that if I'm trying to barely turn left or right to line up for a jump, it seems as though Nytro can overshoot the direction I want to face, which might be important to look into if the platforming is meant to be more challenging than Spyro's? I don't know. Honestly, I personally think that they are fine and I got used to it, I'm just expressing concern that people might have a problem with it, since for some people, tight controls are very important, especially in 3D platformers.

Awesome, I was checking Local, not LocalLow

The first person camera as a low priority makes sense too

Lack of headbash is kind of what I expected which isn't a bad thing, though it would be cool if it did get added, because I have faith that you'd implement it more than Spyro did, maybe in puzzles or something? Though I am absolutely fine without it, sometimes there's more beauty in simplistic design than complex design. That's part of the reason Spyro 1 is my favorite in the trilogy, it's not bogged down by too much :)

You're welcome! I try to give detailed feedback to be helpful haha but ultimately, you're the dev and I'm just a fan, so you can make whatever decisions you want! Anyways, I enjoyed the demo a lot and can't wait for more