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I appreciate the feedback. This was a 48 hour game jam project -- the fact that it's a somewhat functioning 3D platformer at all is astounding.

I definitely agree with your comments on the jump sequence leading up to the rotating platform. That last portion of the game was made in the wee hours of the morning before the deadline. If I were to do it again I would have added a checkpoint atop the tree and probably removed the rotating platform entirely, as in hindsight it didn't work as I had hoped. Thank you for your feedback and for looking through my games!

If I might recommend a more complete experience of mine to you (if you're looking for one), I would recommend Spherical Saunter, Pause, Spherical Saunter M, or, if you've got a friend to compete with, Innis Gambit. I'm in the process of reorganizing my Itch page to more properly reflect the playability/completeness of my projects.