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Nice job! I enjoyed how the eyes on the octopus were used to change controls on the fly as it added a cool dynamic gameplay element to the game. This mechanic definitely allowed for some interesting level design and felt good to fully figure out. I also loved the graphics as they really popped out and were satisfying to look at. The visual tutorials were a nice touch as well, since they helped with understanding the binding mechanic. I am not sure if this is in the game already, but maybe it would help to add shortcut keys that would activate each eye to reduce the amount of clicking all over the place. But overall this was a solid entry to the jam and I had fun playing it! :)

Happy you liked the mechanics! I'm really happy with how our idea turned out. Also, @2FoamBoards did an amazing job with all of the game art given the time constraints. As for the tutorials, we finished them after the jam so we couldn't put them into the game. Thankfully they do pop out in the game page so not too many people miss them.

We originally planned to make it a keyboard game (Z/X/C for the eyes) but ended up going with the mouse. You can actually see some debug output in the console for when you hit those keys haha. I'll definitely add keyboard ability for at least activating the eyes, though I dunno how binding things would work. Having to move the mouse so much is something we really want to reduce in a future update, and this is a good idea for a first step. Thanks!