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(1 edit) (+1)

Very interesting way to interpret the theme, I like it! I really enjoyed the  music, the thrill and the challenge, so congratulations for your submission. The difficulty is quite high, but I think it's part of the game's charm. In my humble opinion, I think there are a few points that would add to the games juice/immersion/gameplay, if you want to develop it further:  I found the car was drifting a bit too much, the car's controls would  definitely be enhanced, if drifting was reduced a little. There is a great video on youtube: here  that goes over on how to "simulate" "realistic" 2d car physics. I've used this video to inspire myself and add car physics in my submission.  And if you want to add more juice like tiremarks and smoke, check Tire marks video tutorial. It will definitely enhance your game's juice if you want to develop it further! Since the game is topdown, it would have been great if there were some indicators before the turns, in order to let you prepare for a turn left or right. Since drifting is part of the gameplay, you don't really have time to prepare for turning since the tracks are zoomed in and you can't see ahead too much. That's all my 2 cents. Great submission, nonetheless!


Thanks for posting those links mate. I have a new version of the game with better 2d car physics already made but can't upload it due to jam rules.I will surely check out those tutorials.

Thanks for playing.

Cool! Can't wait to see it!