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(2 edits) (+1)

        Hey Micro Horror Arcade, If you ever feel uninspired to work on Boofie's Bunker v2.0, I just want to you to know that this is truely a masterpiece worth working on, this is honestly the best horror game I have ever played, It's full of character and saturation despite being dark, It's colourful and bright dispite being dull, It's full of that new developer-nes that is like new shoe smell of the game industy, I've never seen more thought put into a story than the games you create, I think this is one of the best horror games of all time and there are many of us willingly waiting for you to stand back up on your feet and pick this game back up, you are truely a gem among the intirety of What I'm trying to say is you are full of creativity, and we would all love to see that be brought to light within v2.0. Always remember that. :) - Levik677

(1 edit) (+1)

hey dude i just want to tell you boofies bunker v2.0 is actually out but its another game and the game is in the birthday bundle if you can by stuff on your computer you can go get it

oh no that was a spin off game for its anaversery


dude i feel the same iv been trying to get this youtuber to play it calld kreekcraft for 4-11 days