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(1 edit)

Thank you so much for the support, I am glad to hear you like the game! Nope, no map. I know the game doesn't do a lot of hand holding which was my intention, I wanted the game to reward exploring and trial / error. It's a throwback to the RuneScape Classic and Minecraft style of gameplay where it drops you in and let's you go immediately. The help button mentions the importance of the subway system / stairwell system to encourage the players to find new areas. I would be happy to help though! Food cannot be purchased, only stolen, found, dropped, etc. It sounds like you need to make your way to the mall which contains a grocery store full of delicious fruits, meats, fish, and snacks that you can steal and cook with. The mall is the stairwell entrance guarded by a level 1 boxer at the top of the main city. If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask. Thanks for playing!

Also pro tip: smoothies are very healthy for you ;)

Oh, thanks, got the mall already unlocked, but I thought there might be a way to buy some food inside rather than stealing it. 

One important missing feature would be to autopickup stuff or at least give option to pick items up from list rather than having to click each item individually from the floor. Also huge fan of OSRS here :)

Thanks for the reply. I was considering allowing purchase of food, but then it would diminish the importance of Larceny so I decided against it. Just a heads up, some Larceny spots unlock new items as you level. For example, the meat counter is Larceny lvl 1; however, as you level higher and higher, you find better and better meats. The EXP you get from the spot is based on the highest level of item found, not the level of the spot. For example, if you are level 30 Larceny, and steal from the lvl 1 meat counter spot, if you find a lvl 1 food, you get low exp, but if you find a lvl 30 food, you will get much higher exp. 

Also, thanks for the feedback on the autopickup. I have considered this as well; however, I ultimately decided against it because I wanted to create more of an opportunity cost associated with item pickup. I wanted it to be a little bit of a pain in the ass, so the player has to decide if it's worth picking up, especially if you are surrounded by aggro enemies. If you let items build up on the ground while surrounded by aggro enemies, it can be risky and difficult to pick them all up later.

Let me know if you have any other questions or suggestions. I appreciate your feedback and love hearing from players!