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This was actually a lot of fun. especially as soon as I realised the gun direction could be swapped, felt like going between facing in and facing out was key to getting further into the game.

The UI controls were outside of the game window for me, and the written key-bindings in the description didn't match my experience.

Overall a really nifty Game Jam game. 

Thank you so much! Yeah when I originally was playtesting it I had it so that the gun would sway, and a small bug meant that it would spin around, and I discovered then that it added a strategic layer to the chaos. I definitely did want to try and encourage the swapping in play,so I'm glad that's what you came away with. 

The controls being wrong is annoying! I was sure I'd put the right controls down, but I might have made a mistake, which ones weren't right for you?

I had wanted the controls to sit on screen, but we ran out of time long before the end of the jam, so we uploaded what we had. I'm slowly revisiting the game and adding all the things we didn't get to, which I'll upload after the submissions period!