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Very cute character design and animation :) The main mechanic was pretty interesting as well, I really enjoyed the strong differentiation between the characters abilities and handling!

The game could certainly do with a bit more polish and perhaps more environmental props to help build more landmarks into the map, but it's a jam and as is this feels pretty great :) One last thing I'd like to see in a post-jam update is the ability to hold down to see below you as Drizit, to help ensure I'm not jumping into anything dangerous

I had a great time playing this one, good job to both you!


Thanks for the feedback Zombiedance! I did have crumbling/falling platforms, lava, and falling spikes programmed but didn't have time to plan where to place them. Also with the way things are, Drizit(the flying one) couldn't die so the lava was a hard one to place in without it feeling Great suggestions that I'll add to my notes if we decide to expand on this. Thanks :D