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(1 edit) (+2)

Man, a game jam game just has no right being this good! I had a great time playing this, and I love the idea and the abilities you get! The only real feedback I have is that it took me a while to understand the grappling ability, so I think that emphasizing teaching that more could be helpful. I also found the wall jump to be rather cumbersome to use; I think wall jumps in platformers like Hollow Knight and Ori don't require you to hold the direction you're jumping in when you use the ability, since you can just send the player away from whatever wall they're stuck to.


Thanks for the feedback! We defiantly wanted to add some tutorial but ran out of time xD; Also you don't need to hold in a direction when jumping, it's all about timing! We have run into a lot of people struggling with it which is totally understandable because it's a little weird to get used to.  Especially since you have to hold the direction on the initial jump it has caused a lot of confusion. ^^; We hope to do a full tutorial in a future version though.